Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Courageous Stand by a Courageous Bishop

John Smeaton reports the publication of a truly courageous and passionate document by Bishop Patrick O'Donoghue entitled Fit for Mission? Church. It is painfully honest in its analysis of what it means to be a Catholic today but full of hope and energy at the same time. Of particular interest to this blog is his call for Catholics to fight the culture of death by supporting pro-life groups and living out the Gospel of Life in their own lives.

My favourite passage states:

“The advocates and apologists for the culture of death dismissively accuse Catholics of being ‘indoctrinated’ or ‘brain washed’. They are wrong. The one thing we have in common is that we value human life, because we know how much God values every human life. The value of every human life is at the heart of the Gospel, ‘But God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us’. (Romans 5:8).

“Every crucifix in church and home proclaims the victory of life over the culture of death. The paschal mystery of Christ, (Eucharist, passion, death and resurrection) are the ultimate expression of the Law of Self Gift:

“At every opportunity proclaim the right to Life – the most fundamental human right that underpins authentic work for justice and peace…"

Thank you Bishop O'Donoghue!